
Hedge Cherry

Hedge Cherry

Hedge Green

Hedge Green

Heteranthera zosteraefolia AKA stargrass Grade a-B

2-6 Aquatic Plant Heterantha zosterfolia stargrass

Heteranthera zosterifolia is an extremely beautiful plant which forms a lot of side shoots and thus quickly forms a bushy plant group. In strong light growth is intensive, and the plant must be pruned before it becomes so compact that no light reaches the lower leaves. Water roots often form on the stem. In open aquariums it forms small blue flowers if some shoots are allowed to spread on the surface.

Author: Tropica

Hornwort ( Coonstail )

ab Hornwort ( Coonstail )
Ceratophyllum demersum has whirled leaves which are densely crowded at the apex of beautifully branched stems, whereas inter-nodes may exceed 3 cm in length at the base of older stems. Ceratophyllum demersum is an obligate, submerged perennial plant which does not form roots. In Nature it is usually found buried in sandy to silty sediments where it anchors itself by modified leaves. Ceratophyllum demersum often forms monospecific populations and is found down to 10m depth as individual very slow-growing plants. In the aquarium, on the other hand, it prefers relatively high light, and it does not tolerate transportation for extended periods. It excretes substances toxic to algae (allelopathic behaviour) and under good growth conditions, it efficiently inhibits most algae growth. It is also a great plant for brackish tanks and will tolerate a certain amount of salinity. Author: Tropica

Hygro red Banned by gov

Hygro red

Hygrophila corymbosa sp

Hygrophila corymbosa sp

Limnophia aromatica RARE

Limnophia aromatica

There are several varieties of this plant. The variety grown by Tropica is said to come from Malaysia. It is characterised by its narrow green leaves, which are purple underneath. Like most other red plants, the colour depends on a supply of intensive light. CO2 addition promotes growth significantly, and it also thrives in hard water. Limnophilla aromatica is easy to propagate by cuttings.

Author: Tropica

Limnophia aromatica produces a distinct smell from this plants stem.  Will also flower.

Quite rare plant that is similar to eustralis stellata.

Stunning green with red highlights.

1 stem

Lloydelia Gold

Lloydelia Gold

Lloydelia Green

Lloydelia Green

Lp Green Hygro ( Hygro

Lp Green Hygro ( Hygrophila polysperma )